The overarching objective of CNC as per our vision is to motivate and mentor administrations of educational institutes and industry premises to go low carbon (preferably carbon neutral) on their campuses through changes in policies and daily routines as well as investments in new technologies, processes, etc.
India submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to UNFCCC highlighting reduction of overall emission intensity and improve energy efficiency of its economy over time and at the same time protecting the vulnerable sectors of economy and segments of our society. Going carbon neutral means that the net quantifiable annual greenhouse gas emissions from the campus should become zero. In other words, the greenhouse gas emissions going into the atmosphere from the industry/ campus in a year should equal the greenhouse gas sequestration enabled by the industry/ campus in that year.
A CNC will pledge to achieve the goal of net zero emissions and to sustain it, or even improve upon it (making net emissions negative, i.e., the sequestration being more than the emissions) from year to year. An ambitious and committed institution may also aim to achieve absolute carbon neutrality (making the total emissions from the campus zero) by 2030.
The project focuses on identifying specific utilities and infrastructure aspects from an industrial/ educational/ civic organization campus. Based no the Carbon emissions, customized remedies are suggested. The students and/ or employees from the campus are involved at various stages of the project in data collection, calculations and report making.

Based on the data collected, the team will put together a report outlining:
- The estimated carbon emissions from fossil fuel consumption, electricity consumption.
- The carbon sinks and offsets already present on and off the industry/ campus, with quantification wherever possible.
- Possible changes in procedures/ routines followed on campus that may lead to reducing carbon emissions under the three scopes.
- Possible new technologies/ services/ structural changes that may be undertaken to further reduce carbon emissions and/or increase carbon sequestration through sinks and offsets on and off the industry/ campus.
- Recommended action plan with priorities, timeline and budget (wherever possible).
- Samuchit EnviroTech
PKC has been facilitating base-lining research for achieving Carbon neutrality. Some of these efforts have been recognized and mentioned in internationally renowned scientific journals.

The overall objective of this study is reducing the carbon footprint of an educational and research institution in India. The study starts with the assessment of carbon emissions covering scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 for the selected site. The emissions are quantified keeping in mind the inclusions and exclusions of the study. It further looks at carbon offsets/sinks and the impact that they have on the campus. The study compares data from different years and recommends the way forward towards the achievement of carbon neutrality.
For more information and interest to support, please write to [email protected].