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M Sc, Ph D (Microbiology, University of Poona, now Savitribai Phule Pune University, SPPU). First PDF with renowned Professors Dr G Gottschalk and Dr H Schlegel, Institute for Microbiology, Goettingen University, Goettingen, Germany, as DAAD-UGC Fellow).
Areas of research: Acetone-butanol fermentation using whey; batch and continuous process; intricacies in the metabolic shift to butanol; etc. Yeast taxonomy, ecology, physiology and biotechnology (Single Cell Protein). Biodegradation of recalcitrant chemicals. Aureobasidium pullulan – taxonomy, physiology and biotechnology. Bio methanation from benzoic acid. Probiotic supplements for poultry and cattle-feed. Microbial biomass for environmental applications.
Subsequently, Dr Rale enjoyed several short stint PDFs in Germany and the UK. Visiting Professorships.
With a career span of over 47 years, rich and versatile, in the fields of teaching, research, administration, consultancy & entrepreneurship in the fields of Microbiology/Biotechnology/Food Science/Food Technology. Dr Rale’s professional journey started at Abasaheb Garware College, Pune (Lecturer, 12 years). Later he established the Department of Microbiology at SPPU on a strong footing (Professor & Head, 10 years).
Currently he serves as Senior advisor for PKC overlooking various projects in Health, Sustainability & Environment.