Pune Knowledge Cluster Foundation is a private company (not-for-profit) limited by guarantee without shareholding and registered under section 8 of The Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and incorporated within the meaning of section 2(68) of the Act. PKC is recognized by the Office of PSA as a bonafide legal entity.
The Office of Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India
PKC is established by the Office of PSA. The PSA’s office aims to provide pragmatic and objective advice to the Prime Minister and cabinet on matters related to science, technology and innovation with a focus on application of science and technology in critical infrastructure, economic and social sectors in partnership with Government departments, institutions and industry.
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics
PKC is hosted by IUCAA. IUCAA is an autonomous institution set up by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India to promote the nucleation and growth of active groups in astronomy and astrophysics at Indian universities. IUCAA aims to be a centre of excellence within the university sector for teaching, research and development in astronomy and astrophysics.
The Pune Knowledge Cluster (PKC) aims to bring together academia, R & D institutions and the Industry of Pune and its surrounding areas, to address challenging problems of the region through innovative means, using scientific knowledge and engaging highly skilled human resources.
To act as a catalyst to bring together the large talent pool present in Industry, Academia, Government and non-Governmental organizations of Pune to brainstorm, discuss and identify projects of importance and of value to the region and to execute them through collaborative efforts.

- Bring together experts, visionaries and thought leaders from various types of organizations to conceptualize and implement S&T based projects
- Foster collaborations with organizations that can aid in implementing projects at the city scale
- Support organizations in data generation efforts for policy making
- Facilitate testing and piloting of novel technologies for city scale initiatives
- Showcase efforts by individuals and institutions in building solutions to solve city problems
- Promote citizen engagement in S&T activities