PKC is a not-for-profit initiative that catalyses innovation and sustainable development through an ecosystem approach using scientific knowledge and skilled human resources.
PKC fosters multi-stakeholder collaborations to address challenging problems of the region. Join hands with us to develop innovative, sustainable solutions-

A Rendezvous with Tech: Using Digital Tools In STEM Education
With innovative products and approaches in the digital learning space and Government initiatives like the Digital India campaign, National Digital Literacy Mission and National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), we are moving towards a skill-based education system that places a higher emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving and activity-based learning, which in turn will require a significant pool of skilled educators.
PKC, with the support of Lenovo India, is implementing a program to enhance the teaching-learning process through the introduction of a variety of digital tools in over 25 schools in Pune.

In Conversation with Dr. Rajesh Karyakarte
Dr. Rajesh Karyakarte, is professor and head of the Department of Microbiology at the B. J. Medical College, Pune. Apart from this, he is also the Former Dean of the Government Medical College in Akola, a member of the Maharashtra State COVID-19 Task Force and Coordinator for the Maharashtra State Genome Sequencing for SARS-CoV-2.
In this chat, he talks about the different initiatives undertaken by B. J. Medical College in the space of public health and collaborations with PKC.

Enabling Science Through Citizens
Data is integral to evidence-based decision-making and solving community-level problems. Citizen Science has the ability to link science with social needs and encourage scientific curiosity. It allows for a collaborative approach to collect, organize and analyse scientific data, which then can be used for research and policy-making.
PKC’s Citizen Science Programs involve the usage of high-end and scalable tools and technologies that are helpful in compiling large datasets. Depending upon the complexity and gravity of the data, citizens are either involved in the data collection alone or also in the analysis; and are provided with virtual or on-ground training that empowers them with the relevant knowledge and tools to work with the data. In this manner, citizens can directly contribute towards PKC’s vision.

In Conversation with Dr. Sanjay Kolte
Dr. Sanjay Kolte (IAS), is the former CEO of Pune Smart City. In this chat with PKC, he talks about the key focus areas and impact of the Smart City Initiatives, as well as the different collaborations that Smart City has fostered with PKC.
Forest landscape restoration projects are designed to provide a sustained livelihood by meeting raw material requirements of industry on a short, medium as well as long term basis.